Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cell Phone Photos

I finally downloaded all the pictures from my cell phone to my computers.  It begins from about a year ago.

Brad and I took the kids to Washington Park.

State Fair...feeding the animals.

Ellie was old enough to jump!  I was shocked when she said she wanted to do it.

Horse Rides

Ryker was the perfect age to play at Good Shepherd's playground.

First Day back to Nancy's after our summer break.  We miss you, Ottis and Augie! :(

Happy Birthday, Brock!  The kids enjoyed playing at Mark and Jessi's house for Brock's first birthday party.

Paint and Glitter Fun

This was back when Ryker was a "bully."  Look at poor Ayken's face!!!  He was trying to be loving, but onry at the same time.

Balloon festival in Lincoln

Out of all the toys this girl had to choose from she bought a sword. Really?!?!

Getting trims at Walmart

Ellie just had to have this princess cowgirl hat.

Ellie, When you grown up and look back at this picture just know...you chose this outfit NOT YOUR MOM! :)

Happy Birthday, Britton!

Bowling Fun

So pretty!

Happy 4th Birthday to my amazing little girl.  You bring us so much joy and laughter each and every day!  I am so lucky that God chose me to be your Mommy!  Thank you God!!!

We started her day off at China Town.  She designed a special birthday plate. 

She got to "Build-A-Dog"
At Kohl's Ryker would only crawl everywhere; pretending to be a puppy.  In the picture he was sitting and panting.  A melt down would occur if I tried to make him stand or get in the cart....and this Momma had things to accomplish. 

Grandma and Grandpa Tweryon came over to give me my special birthday present...MY VERY OWN KINDLE!!!!
Thank you, I love it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Winter Fun

Santa left bathtub paints in our stockings!  They had a blast painting the entire tub.

Daddy built a wall out of pillows and blankets.  He pushes the kids on this inflatable Thomas train and they fly into the soft "wall."

You can't see Ryker very well, but that's the only picture I had of him on the train.

Getting ready to go outside on this cold winter day.

Four Wheeler Rides

Swingset Fun

I got Ellie this inflatable pedicure for Christmas.  It was fun while it lasted, but already got thrown away.

All ready for her New Year's Eve party at Grandma and Grandpa Tweryon's.

Fun New Year's Eve tradition continues!  Grandma had a special dinner and dessert prepared.  A fashion show followed and then fireworks later in the night. 


When it's too cold to go outside and play in the snow, we bring the fun to us.

They love to paint, but what child doesn't?!?!  Ryker loves painting himself more than his paper.

Eating snow out of the bed of his truck.

Ryker decided to bring his trains and cars in the kitchen while I was trying to do the dishes.

God love my big girl!  She does anything and everything to help Ryker.  She's definitely a little mother to him.

Helping him get onto Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Daddy's special way to carry these two monkeys to bed.

Ellie reading Ryker books.

Having a dance party!

These two LOVE wrestling!  I think Ellie more so than Ryker.

BUSTED!!! Ryker was climbing up on this table and then diving onto the floor.  This boy is going to stress me out!

Pretty Ornament that Ellie made at Preschool

Helping Daddy paint shelves for the garage.

Spin Art

Playing with the test tubes and colored water.

We all had a lot of fun at Nolan's 4th birthday party.  It was held at the Rochester Christian Church for a movie party.

Ellie, Hadley and Brooke

Caleb, Ellie and Addalyn

Ellie's Preschool Program
She got to pass out programs!

Thanks Mrs. Monari and Mrs. Bane for working so hard on this adorable program.

Having a blast jumping off the couch.

The next SEVERAL blogs will not have much information.  It's been way too long for me to remember any specific detail so enjoy the picture gallery. :)