Monday, September 3, 2012

Good Deed...Gone Bad! LOL!

 I was on my way to Patti and Bill's house to get Ellie and Ryker.  I didn't make it far when I spotted a turtle on Rochester Road.  I decided to turn around and figure out some way to take it to "The Tweryon Farm" for the girls to see.  Once I got out of my car I realized how big the turtle actually was and it didn't exactly look friendly either.  I tried to talk to him...Come on turtle.  Come here!  You can do it!  Haha!!! I'm such an idiot. He was actually getting pretty ticked off.  I called my dad to come and bring a tote or box; however,  I knew I'd be waiting for a while (Bob isn't exactly fast to say the least...I mean R E A L L Y   S L O W!) so I found a stick and tried to get him to move to the side.  That S.O.B. snapped at me like I was going to be his lunch.  I don't think I've ever jumped so high.  A truck pulled up next to me and asked if I needed help (It was Mr. Spengler).  He picked him right up and moved him off the road.  He made it look so easy.  Still waiting on my Dad...(man Bill could have been here and back by now) UGH! :) God help him or me if there's ever a TRUE EMERGENCY!  He finally made it and threw the turtle in the tote.  Goodness Gracious Dad!  He could have been a little more gental!!!  At this time, Brad calls so I run home to get him...Happy Father's Day!  I got you a snapping turtle. 

After the girls watched and tormented this turtle, we decided to let him go.  We walked next to Emmit's house to the pond...hoping this turtle wouldn't make it back to Bill's house.  Someone had a great idea of LAUNCHING him to the pond since there was a very steep hill before reaching the water.  Brad ends up trying to launch this turtle and definitely doesn't get enough umph.  LOL!!! That poor turtle lands upright, but upside down against a corn stalk.  GREAT!  Now this turtle is going to FRY in the 100 degree heat. I felt awful!!! He probably would have been better off in the street.  Several hours later we went back and weren't able to find him.  I'm hoping that mean't he freed himself.

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